“Be a Jerk” mural
Stay Sober! Stay Alive! Our students felt the best way to get the message across was to be direct and to the point. Students made a mural conveying this message as part of the Hui Malama "Be A Jerk" campaign. In preparation, students learned some of the finer points...
Learning, service, and fun at the fair
Commitment to our Environment. Community Service. Hui Malama's partnership with Community Work Day reinforces these values and teaches our students to appreciate and value the individual benefits and rewards gained by an interest and investment in something larger...
Kiana and Nick go to space!
The AMOS Conference is the premier conference in the nation devoted to space surveillance. Hui Malama students Nick and Kiana were able to participate in hands-on space related science experiments, talk to experts in the field, and meet a real live astronaut. Mahalo...