Holoholo I Ko’ie’ie Loko
It was a privilege working with Hawaiian culture adviser, Kimokeo Kapahulehua at Ko'ie'ie Fish pond. Uncle Kimokeo brought awareness to the importance of a Hawaiian Ahupua'a utilizing resources mountain ward and seaward. We also learned various types of fishpond known...
Solar Power at their Fingertips
Under the guidance of STEM teacher Kevin Lauterbach, students were able to create a solar water heater, or at the very least a model of one. Using hands-on lessons, students are able to grasp the concept of...
Mo’okiha O Pi’ilani – Doing our part for our culture
Hui o Wa'a Kaulua shared very valuable lessons with Hui Malama. Astronomy, culture, survival skills, science and even humility was learned on our brief visit. The privilege of assisting crew members in...