Kaikala’s reflections on job-shadowing an RN
As part of our Career Development Program, employer mentors host students in job shadowing. Kaikala had the opportunity to spend 3 days with Joshua Arquero, a registered nurse at Hui No Ke Ola Pono. Joshua showed Kaikala the importance of meal planning and how it...
Enroll now for the 2012-2013 school year!
We are currently accepting applications for the new school year, 2012-2013. Check out our ad! For more information, call 244-5911. [gview file="https://mauihui.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/hmlc-ad.pdf"]
Civic Duty student reflections: Keoki
Keoki M. My appointment was with Councilmember Pontanilla. I didn’t have a partner, but I went with Aunty Pua. When I was waiting outside of the office, though, I felt pretty nervous going in to talk to him. I also didn’t want to mess up and give a bad first...