Call to Order
Hui Malama's Civic Duty Program gives our students an inside look at the process the Maui County Council members take to decide the upcoming years budget. Students are able to meet personally with each member and discuss the importance of not only the work that Hui...
support – BOX – our – TOPS – school
Hui Malama is collecting box tops. Please support our school by donating any box tops that you may have. Drop off at our office, Monday thru Friday from 8am to 4pm or call 244-5911 for pick up. Mahalo for supporting Maui's youth!
What an Adventure!
All aboard the Lanai Expeditions, Hui Malama students and staff were set for an adventure. History, culture, work development and restoration were among the lessons learned on this off-island adventure. Hawaiian culture mentors, Kawehi and Debbie Ryder, reinforced the...