Betty Leis, Pualani Enos, and Nancy Leis Overton, amid youth participants in Maui Hui Malama programs
Last week, Maui Hui Malama received a generous donation from the Dorvin D. Leis Charitable Remainder Unitrust.
Dorvin and Betty Leis have been longtime supporters of Hui Malama, and daughter Nancy Leis Overton has continued in this tradition over the past few years giving annual donations – always at times when we need it most! This generous, unrestricted donation is in keeping with their history of giving. This donation is critical to our ability to create impact by improving our design and optimizing our organizational capacity to carry out our mission using a systems mindset.
The Leis family is a consistent supporter of Maui’s families, helping ensure they receive services they wouldn’t anywhere else. Beneficiaries include people like the young men in the picture above, who receive support services to build their personal pathways through continuing education and employment.
Mahalo, once again, to the Leis family from all of us at Maui Hui Malama.