RSVP for Commencement
Commencement for Hui Malama Middle School, High School, and GED students is May 23. Have you RSVP'd yet? [gview file="" height="500px" width="500px" save="1"]
Lehn Huff on gardens, education, and sustainability
Lehn Huff is part of the Maui School Garden Network. She has been assisting Hui Malama in integrating our garden / sustainability lessons into our curriculum. She also helped with getting Hui Malama a booth at this years Ag Festival....
Resume-building at UH Maui College
As part of Career Development, and with the assistance of Hui Malama’s Board of Director member and UHMC instructor, Derek Snyder, students took part in resume-building workshops. Our students received pointers on how to prepare for and conduct themselves in a job...
Culinary tour at UH Maui College
Hui Malama students had the privilege of touring the University of Hawaii Maui College Culinary department. Our students were given a glimpse of career possibilities that are available in the food industry. The instructors and culinary students shared various...
New bedding!
Kirk Surry, along with his Master Gardeners who assisted Hui Malama students with gardening classes earlier this year, dropped off some straw bales for our garden today. We will be using this to create our sweet potato beds.
Mulch to meals
Maui News photographer Brian Perry captured our students in action spreading mulch for our garden. Get the whole scoop here.
Ag Fest 2012
Hui Malama students and staff are full of enthusiasm at the Agricultural Festival April 7, held at the Maui Tropical Plantation. They have been tending a "Victory Garden" on the grounds there as part of this year's curriculum. Mahalo to Beth Mathias, ex-officio board...
Grant from Rotary Club of Valley Isle Sunset
Hui Malama received a grant from Rotary Club of Valley Isle Sunset to support its agricultural project. Read more about our work day with the club, or from the Maui News website or in the PDF below. [gview...
Hui Malama awarded Okumura grant
Hui Malama received a $15,000 grant from The Rev. Takie Okumura Family Fund. Read more about it from the Maui News website or in the PDF below. [gview file=""]